Miro Kang
Beyondness III_light shadow series 3, Acrylic panel, mix medium, 89 x 58.5 x 15cm, 2017
Variation_Grey Series2 , Acrylic panel, mix medium, 2016
Beyondness III_ light shadow series 1, Acrylic panel, mix medium, 2016
Beyondness III_ light shadow series 2, Acrylic panel, mix medium, 2016
Beyondness_Grey Series II, Plastic Vinyl, Mix Medium, 2015
Variation_Grey Series1, 36"x28", Plastic Vinyl, Medium, 2015
Beyondness_Grey Series 1, 30:x22", Plastic Vinyl, Medium, 2015
Beyondness II _red series 2, 36"x28", Plastic Vinyl, Medium, Mirror, 2015
Beyondness II _red series 1, 36"x28", Plastic Vinyl, Medium, Mirror, 2015
Drop Cones, 28"x28", Canvas Fabric, Plastic Vinyl, 2014
Mirrored Cone, 36”x48”, Plastic Vinyl, Acrylic, 2014
Mirrored Cone, 36”x48”, Plastic Vinyl, Acrylic, 2014
Boxed Cone, 6”x6”3.7”, Plastic Vinyl, Paper Mache, 2014
Stranded Cones, 7”x7”x10”, 7”x7”x10”, Plastic Vinyl, Acrylic Panel, 2014
Thorns lined, 42”x3.5”x2”, Plastic Vinyl, LED Light, Wood, 2014
Thorns lined _ Detail, 42”x3.5”x2”, Plastic Vinyl, LED Light, Wood, 2014
Thorny Corn II, 10”x10”x5”, 17”x17”x8”, 10”x10”x5”, Plastic Vinyl, Mylar Reflection Metallic Plastic Sheet, 2014
Thorny Corn II _ Detail, 10”x10”x5”, 17”x17”x8”, 10”x10”x5”, Plastic Vinyl, Mylar Reflection Metallic Plastic Sheet, 2014
The Confessions of Relations_1, 48”x48”, Wire Mash, Latex, Plastic Vinyl, 2014
The Confessions of Relations_2, 48”x48”, Wire Mash, Latex, Plastic Vinyl, 2014
The Confessions of Relations_3, 48”x48”, Wire Mash, Latex, Plastic Vinyl, 2014
The Confessions of Relations_4, 48”x48”, Wire Mash, Latex, Plastic Vinyl, 2014
Double Edged, Wire Mesh, LED Light, Steel, 2013
The Eye, Plastic vinyl,Thread, Wood frame, light stand, 16”x23”x14”, 2011
The Eye _ Detail, Plastic vinyl,Thread, Wood frame, light stand, 16”x23”x14”, 2011